Taoli-Ambika Talwar on Poets Cafe
The following interview of Taoli-Ambika Talwar by Lois P. Jones originally aired on KPFK Los Angeles (reproduced with permission).
Biographical Information—Taoli-Ambika Talwar
Long-time educator, published author and artist, Taoli-Ambika Talwar is also involved in holistic arts/sciences for many years. She practices polarity therapy, Vianna Stibal’s DNA healing techniques, and the Yuen Method, all of which she finds most elegant. Language matters–language of the mind, the body, and the spirit. She has combined poetic processes and holistic techniques to assist in practices of re-creating the self. “I am a poet and that is how I approach all that I do. I see the power of language coded in us and help you to find and be in your resonance–whether it be through the poetic process or theta work or polarity–for then we choose rightly.”
She was born in India and studied at various Indian schools, transferring every few years. She continued her university education in Southern California and teaches at Cypress College in Cypress, Ca. Her current project at work is to be advisor to The Purpose Group, a student club dedicated to helping students discover and strengthen their purpose.
She has published the following books–4 Stars & 25 Roses (2007), a book of poems about and for her father; Creative Resonance–Poetry: Elegant Play, Elegant Change (2006), a book on how to develop a poetic vision and consciousness; Words for Hungry Tongues (2000), collection of erato-spiritual poems; and others. Her creative process workshops are focused on themes of beauty, peace, love, gratitude, forgiveness, et al.
Additonally, she paints and writes, has published some poetry, reads at various venues in Southern California, and made a short film, which won an award at a festival in Belgium.
Talwar remains busy studying seminars and writing in order to improve herself. She believes on living a heightened and balanced life and is working on it–“Balance is dynamic and keeps correcting itself for we are continually in and out of balance with ourselves.” She prefers to not use the word “spiritual” to describe her self; it is naturally a part of what we all are, she notes.
In her life, she has inspired many to move on in their journeys. Many student letters are testimony to this. She notes, “What inspires a person is what they already are. I just show up to show them who they are….”
We are each participants in change and co-creation of the universe, our biosphere. Let’s continue the conscious making of a new world through our creations and our Self.
Please see these links for more information.
Hi~ Thank you Timothy for this great space! Thank you Lois for the interview! Zsuzsa and Maja for your kind comments. You are all celebrated and shine well in the world of poetry. Many blessings ~ TaoliAmbika