Peter Ludwin on Poets Cafe
The following interview of Peter Ludwin by Lois P. Jones originally aired on KPFK Los Angeles (reproduced with permission).
Biographical Information—Peter Ludwin
Peter Ludwin’s first full length poetry collection, A Guest in All Your Houses, was published in March, 2009 by Word Walker Press of Glendale, California. For the past nine years he has been a participant in the San Miguel Poetry Week in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, where he has workshopped under renowned poets such as Mark Doty, Tony Barnstone, Forrest Gander, Linda Gregg, C.D. Wright, Patricia Goedicke, Alfred Corn and C.K. Williams, to name a few. In 2007 he received a Literary Fellowship from Artist Trust, an adjunct of the Washington State Arts Commission. He was the 2007-2008 Second Prize Winner of the Anna Davidson Rosenberg Awards, and during the same year he was also a finalist for the Muriel Craft Bailey Memorial Award. He is a 2009 Pushcart Prize nominee.
His poems have appeared in many journals, among them Antietam Review, Briar Cliff Review, California Quarterly, Coal City Review, Common Ground Review, The Comstock Review, Concho River Review, Connecticut River Review, Cottonwood, Flint Hills Review, The Fourth River, Hawai’i Pacific Review, Hurricane Review, Interdisciplinary Humanities, Karamu, Kyoto Journal, Lake Effect, Lullwater Review, Mad Poets Review, Midwest Quarterly, Peregrine, Permafrost, The Prague Revue, Quercus Review, Red Wheelbarrow, River Oak Review, The Rockford Review, Slant, Small Pond Magazine of Literature, The Raven Chronicles, South Carolina Review, South Dakota Review, Whiskey Island Magazine and Writers Without Borders. He currently has work forthcoming in Cider Press Review, Front Range, RiverSedge, Tribeca Poetry Review, Willard & Maple and Wisconsin Review.
Ludwin has been a featured reader in Washington, Oregon, California, South Dakota, Minnesota and in the Czech Republic. In 1996 he read over the radio during the Cleveland Bi-Centennial. He has twice read for the Distinguished Writers Series in Tacoma, Washington. In the fall of 2009 he read for the John R. Milton Writer’s Conference at the University of South Dakota, and featured with noted poet and fiction writer Frank Gaspar at Whittier College in Los Angeles. He also has a background in folk music, and plays acoustic guitar and autoharp. He has both taught and performed at the Pacific Northwest Folklife Festival.
So happy to have relocated Peter after after all these many years, and to hear of his success in the world of poetry. We now live in Shoreline, and want to thank him for his part in the recording of Diane’s first album, “Farther Along,” and in the launching of her music career. We wish for him the greatest success in all his future ventures and adventures. To Peter: “via con dios.”
So happy to have relocated Peter after all these many years, and to hear of his success in the world of poetry. We now live in Shoreline, and want to thank him for his part in the recording of Diane’s first album, “Farther Along,” and in the launching of her music career. We wish for him the greatest success in all his future ventures and adventures. To Peter: “via con dios.”