The following interview of Pam Houston by Lois P. Jones originally aired on KPFK Los Angeles (reproduced with permission). [download audio] Biographical Information—Pam Houston Pam Houston’s most recent book is Contents May Have Shifted, published by W.W. Norton in 2012.  She is also the author…

The following interview of Mary Kay Rummel by Lois P. Jones originally aired on KPFK Los Angeles (reproduced with permission). [download audio] Biographical Information—Mary Kay Rummel Mary Kay Rummel is the first Poet Laureate of Ventura County, California. The Lifeline Trembles, her seventh book of poetry,…

The following interview of Diane Frank by Lois P. Jones originally aired on KPFK Los Angeles (reproduced with permission). [download audio] Biographical Information—Diane Frank Diane Frank is an award-winning poet and author of six books of poems, including Swan Light, Entering the Word Temple, and…

I assumed KPFK would rather have me send listeners to their website, so I only posted a clip from this last week.  Quite the contrary, host Lois P. Jones asked if I’d post the whole thing, so it has a permanent home.  I just posted…

  Peggy Dobreer is an educator, poet, public speaker, and artisan who works and teaches in the Extension Program at Loyola Marymount University. She was a leading force in the educational vision of the Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence, from 1997-2004, and co-wrote and…